Too Much Glue! Stick Puppets for Kindergarten and First Grade

I received an advance copy of a new book, Too Much Glue. It’s a story absolutely perfect for kindergarten and first grade for the first days of art class – especially when you are teaching them how to use glue!

The story is about a boy named Matty who ignores his art teacher’s rules for white glue – ‘raindrops, not puddles’ – and uses so much glue that he glues himself to the table. His friends try to help, but they make the problem worse. By the middle of the book Matty is still trapped. The bell is about to ring! The carpool is waiting! How will Matty get out of this mess?

Too Much Glue by Matt LeFebre, 2013.

My kindergarten stick puppet lesson is a great tie-in project for this book. We used white glue, cardboard, Sharpies, popsicle sticks and paper and yarn scraps. Kinders LOVE to make art they can play with! Click here to see all the instructions.

'Too Much Glue' Stick Puppets

This year we added ‘clothing’ with the amazing glue sponge. Click learn how to make your own!

the glue sponge 1

Too Much Glue by Jason LeFebvre and Zac Retz will be available at and Barnes and Noble by December, 2013.


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