Ocean Week Comic Contest Winners – Second Grade

Comic strips are a wonderful way to combine art and writing. Our school held a comic contest to create awareness about the world’s oceans.  Here are the winning entries, both from second grade.

Please enjoy “Aqua Baby to the Rescue” by Nika G. and the aquatic superhero “Jenna the Jellyfish” by Lani W.

"Aqua Baby to the Rescue" by Nika G.

"Jenna the Jellyfish" by Lani W.


Congrats to all our winners! Other winning entries in this post (grand prize + 4th grade), this post (5th grade), and this post (3rd grade).

Superheroes Get Wet! Comic Contest Winners

Today’s Ocean Week Comic Contest winners are both from the third grade.  Please enjoy the fine undersea comics, “The Adventures of Quanto” by Preston S. and “Introducing…Mahi Mahi Man!” by Alexander B.

"The Adventures of Quanto" By Preston S.

"Introducing...Mahi Mahi Man!" by Alexander B.


Great job guys!

More winning comics in this post and this post. Photos and more contest details in this post.

And remember – every kid who help keep the ocean clean is a superhero!

Tune in tomorrow for more fabulous Comic Contest winners!

Super Cool Super Heroes: More Comic Contest Winners!

Today’s Ocean Week Comic Contest winners are both from the fifth grade. Please enjoy “Water Woman” by Alisha S. and “The Monkey of All Seas” by Morgan S.

"Water Woman" by Alisha S.

Alisha also won “Best Villain” for her evil Sea Monster.

"The Monkey of All Seas" by Morgan S.

See more comic contest winning entries in this post. Full details here!

Tune in tomorrow for even more student comics!

Ocean Week Super Hero Comic Contest Winners

Our school held a comic contest for Ocean Week. Students had to come up with an aquatic super hero, write and fully illustrate a comic panel. What a success! Here are our first two winners, “Kara the Kelp Queen” by Mariel A. and “Sealed with a Kiss” by Riley S.

"Kara the Kelp Queen" by Mariel, Fifth Grade

"Sealed with a Kiss" by Riley, Fourth Grade

We were fortunate to have artist Marietta Ellis, a former automobile designer for General Motors, visit our school. She educated the children on the history of comics and held comic draw-along assemblies. Ms. Ellis helped judge the contest. Mariel was the grand prize winner and her comic was featured in our local paper.

Tune in next time for more amazing comic contest winners!

Oil Pastel and Baby Oil ‘Paintings’

Want to amaze and engage your students? Try oil pastel ‘painting’. The colors are vibrant, set up and clean are a breeze and students love the process.

Oil pastels
Baby oil
Small cups for oil
Watercolor paper

We did a directed draw of a great blue heron. We grouped our oil pastels so that they would blend nicely. This was a good opportunity to review warm and cool colors and analogous colors.

Heron: cool colors (purple, blue, green)
Water: purples and blues (analogous colors)
Sunset sky: warm colors ( red, orange, yellow) and pink
Hills: green and yellows (analogous colors)



Students make short strokes of oil pastel. Use two or three colors side by side. Then dip a q-tip in baby oil and blend the colors. A little oil goes a long way!


Dry on a drying rack.

Use watercolor paper. Construction paper is too thin and oil will soak the paper.
Blot excess oil with tissue.

Have fun!

I learned this process from art teacher Nicole Nelson at The San Diego Museum of Art.



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